Rose Tours Sponsored by
The Houston Rose Society
Every year the Houston Rose Society tries to sponsor a garden tour of the rose gardens of local members. Sometimes the tours are in the spring. Sometimes they are in the fall. All the time they are fun and educational, and one of the many benefits of belonging to the Houston Rose Society.
For further information about future tours join the Houston Rose Society and get complete directions in the Rose-Ette.
- 2020 Spring Rose Tour
This year's Spring Rose Tour was scheduled for April 18, 2020. Unfortunately, because of the COVID-19 situation, the actual tour was cancelled. However, we do have pictures taken of some of the locations for your viewing pleasure. To view them, click here.
- 2018 Fall Rose Tour
This year's Fall Rose Tour is on Saturday, October 27th. Homes are open from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. Please note that Nature's Way closes at 2 pm. There is no admission charge. Directions to the gardens are in the October issue of the Rose Ette, which can be accessed through the Members Only section of the webpage.
- 2017 Spring Rose Tour
This year's Spring Rose Tours are from noon to 6:00 pm on Sunday, April 23, 2017.
This year, the gardens are also open to the public and their is no admission charge.
Complete descriptions of the gardens, (with addresses) are in the April issue of the Rose Ette. You can also get a list of the descriptions by
clicking here.
- 2016 Spring Rose Tour
This year's Spring Rose Tours are from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturday, April 23, 2016. Admission is free to members (please bring membership card or April issue of The Rose Ette.
This year, the gardens are also open to the public. Tickets can be purchased from select area HEBs. Be sure and mention PLU52093 for the product code for the tickets. For a list of HEB grocery stores selling the tickets, click here.
Complete descriptions of the gardens, (with addresses) are in the April issue of the Rose Ette. You can also get a list of the descriptions without addresses by
clicking here.
- 2015 Spring Rose Tour
This year's Spring Rose Tour is on April 25th from 11 am to 5 pm. Six wonderful gardens are on this year's tour. There is no admission charge. Descriptions and directions to the gardens and are in the April issue of the Rose Ette.
- 2014 Spring Rose Tour
This year's Spring Rose Tours are divided into Saturday tours and Sunday tours. The Saturday tours are on April 26th and the Sunday tours are on April 27th. There is no admission charge. Directions to the gardens are in the April issue of the Rose Ette.
- 2011 Spring Rose Tour
This year's Spring Rose Tours are from noon to 6:00 pm on Sunday, April 17, 2011. This year, the gardens are open to the public. There is no admission charge. Directions to the gardens are in the April issue of the Rose Ette. You can also get a list of the locations by
clicking here.
- 2009 Spring Rose Tour
The theme for this year's tour is how to incorporate roses into smaller gardens.
The Houston Rose Society is celebrating their 50th Anniversary in 2009. The gardens selected have between 15 and 50 rose bushes in honor of their 15 charter members and are located in various areas of the Houston metroplex.
In West Houston at 11038 Lark Brook Lane, you will find 40 disease resistant roses that were all started from cuttings. Inside 610 Loop in the West Eleventh Place Historic District at #2 West 11th Place, you will see antique, climbing, and shrub roses in a walled garden with perennials and bulbs. In Bellaire at 5913 Birdwood, antique and EarthKind roses are planted with many herbs and perennials to add color. 2403 Pine Drive in Friendswood has a front yard with an oval bed containing antique, hybrid tea, and shrub roses. Go through the breezeway into the backyard and you will find climbing roses on the fences, a vegetable garden, tropical plants, playground, and pool. Other locations include Harris County Precinct 2, Master Gardeners, at 1202 Genoa-Red Bluff Road in Houston where you will find many named roses with fruit trees and colorful plants. In Pasadena at
2217 Huckleberry Lane, you will see a butterfly friendly garden with roses along with fragrant olive trees and a mixture of perennials, and annuals.
This year, the gardens are open to the public. There is no admission charge. Directions to the gardens are in the April issue of the Rose Ette. You can also get the directions, and a description of each garden, by clicking here.
- 2008 Spring Rose Tour
This year's Spring Rose Tours are from 10 a.m. to 5:00 pm on Saturday, April 19, 2008. This year, the gardens are open to the public. There is no admission charge. Directions to the gardens are in the April issue of the Rose Ette. You can also get the directions, and a description of each garden, by clicking here.
- 2002 Spring Rose Tour
The Houston Rose Society Spring Garden Tour was held on May 5, 2002, from 10 am to 6 0m. The directions to the 8 gardens on the tour are in the April 2002 issue of the Rose Ette.
- 2001 Spring Rose Tour
The Houston Rose Society featured its Spring Tour on April 22, 2001.
For information on the Spring tour of 2001 (including pictures), click here.
- 2000 Fall Rose Tour
For information on the Fall tour of 2000 (including pictures), click here.
1998 Spring Rose Tour
For information on the tour of April 1998, click here.
Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, Houston Rose Society. All Rights Reserved.
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