Number of Exhibitors      14

Total Blooms                 355

Total Photos                      6

                                        Houston Rose Society

                                                                Oct. 27, 2001 Rose Show


                                   CLASS                              WINNER                                   ROSE VARIETY

Special            Best of Show          Ed & Jo Ann Bradley               HT Collection  -Classic Touch

                Standard Sweepstakes  Ed & Jo Ann Bradley               20 Blue Ribbons

                Miniature Sweepstakes        Theresa Andersen & Jim Boden              11 Blue Ribbons

                        Best Photograph        Theresa Andersen & Jim Boden              Gold Medal


        A     1        Queen of Show      Theresa Andersen & Jim Boden      Veterans’ Honor

                        King of Show          Ed & Jo Ann Bradley               Classic Touch

                Princess of Show              Ed & Jo Ann Bradley               Lynette

                Court of Honor        Ed & Jo Ann Bradley                    Raphaela

                                Ed & Jo Ann Bradley                    St. Patrick

                                Ed & Jo Ann Bradley                    Mavrik

                                Ed & Jo Ann Bradley                    Touch of Class

                                Ed & Jo Ann Bradley                    Louise Estes

                                Ed & Jo Ann Bradley                    Ivory Tower

                                Mary Fulgham & Randy Keen         Timeless

                2      Std Fully Open       Dan & Patti Lawlor          Queen Elizabeth

                3      Std Single      Robin Hough              Oriental Charam

                4        Hybrid Tea Multiple Bloom  No entries

                6        Climber    Earl & Deanna Krause           Fourth of July

                7        Floribunda        Theresa Andersen & Jim Boden      Matilda

                8        Floribunda Spray      Theera & Chantana Umsawasdi     Int’l Herald Tribune

                9        Polyantha        Robin Hough           White Pet

                10        Shrub        Dorothy Winter                Graham Thomas

                11    OGR - Dowager        Robin Hough           Aimee Vibert

                12    OGR - Victorian        Robin Hough           Irene Watts

        B      13    Mini Queen of Show        Ed & Jo Ann Bradley            Fancy Pants

                        Mini King of Show        Theresa Andersen & Jim Boden        Irresistible

                        Mini Princess of Show        Theresa Andersen & Jim Boden      Mother’s Love

                        Mini Court of Honor        Theresa Andersen & Jim Boden        Scentsational

                                Robin Hough           Child’s Play

                                Robin Hough           Sweet Melody

                                Ed & Jo Ann Bradley            Soroptimist Int’l

                                Theera & Chantana Umsawasdi        Loving Touch

                                Jeniver Lauran                Tropical Twist

                                Jeniver Lauran                Pierrine

                14    Mini Rose Spray        Theresa Andersen & Jim Boden      June Laver

                15    Fully Open Mini        Robin Hough           Pride ‘n’ Joy

                16    Mini Single      Theresa Andersen & Jim Boden      Crazy Dottie

        C     19    Best Novice     Mark Adams             Pierrine

                20        Youth Award        No entries      

        D      21        Hybridizer        Jim Boden               Loving Touch x Hot Tamale

        E      23    5 Different HT-Stroud Collection Ed & Jo Ann Bradley            Raphaela, Uncle Joe, Mavrik

                                                Raspberry Swirls, Louise Estes

                24        Triangle-1 HT, 1 Open HT, 1 Fl.        No entries      

                25    3 Stages of Bloom        Ed & Jo Ann Bradley            Leonidas

                26    3 Floribundas        Robin Hough           Lavaglut, Apricot Nectar, Kanegem

                27    Std. Matched Pair   Ed & Jo Ann Bradley               Leonidas

                28        Yellow Rose of Texas  Ed & Jo Ann Bradley            St. Patrick

                29        English Box (Standard)       Ed & Jo Ann Bradley               Uncle Joe, Raphaela, Louise Estes

                30        Rose in a Bowl        Mattie Lue Pillows              Scentimental

                31    HT Collection of 7 Ed & Jo Ann Bradley               Classic Touch

                32    OGR Collection Theresa Andersen & Jim Boden      Green Rose, Hermosa, Ducher, Mrs. Dudley Cross,                                                 Souv. de la Malmaison, Irene Watts,Baronne Prevost,                                          Maggie, Francis Dubreuil

                33    Most Fragrant  Dan & Patti Lawlor             Double Delight

                34    Std. Judges Challenge        No entries      

                35    Mini English Box     No entries    

                36    Mini Artist Palette    Not arwarded       

                37        Rose in a Bowl        Theera & Chantana Umsawasdi        Peggy T

                38        Collection of 12 Mini's  Theresa Andersen & Jim Boden        Irresistible

                39    Mini Matched Pair   Earl & Deanna Krause           Rainbow Bliss

                40    Mini Collection (6)   No entries

                41    Mini Stages of Bloom        Robin Hough           Child’s Play

                42        Triangle of Miniatures        Earl & Deanna Krause           Fancy Pants

                43    Mini Judges Challenge        No entries