Bronze Medal Recipients for Outstanding Service
to the Houston Rose Society:
1975 to Present

Each society of the American Rose Society may annually award the American Rose Society Bronze Medal for Outstanding Service to one of its members (or to husband/wife teams) for outstanding and meritorious service at the Local Society level. The recipient must be a full or associate member of the American Rose Society and an active member of the local society for no less than three years.

Each society can only award the Bronze Medal once to a particular member. The Board of Directors determines each year's recipient, but current Presidents are not eligible during their terms. Nominees are active members who contribute both to the Houston Rose Society and the ARS by their dedicated efforts on behalf of roses in general and the Houston Rose Society in particular.

Past recipients are:

2019: Maggie Zamora

2016-2018: No Award

2015: Suzanne Gilbert

2014: Mary Bahn

2013: Patti Lawlor

2012: Susan Kelly

2011: No Award

2010: Debbie Laperouse

2009: Elisabeth Duhon

2008: James Laperouse

2007: Shirley Morgan

2007: Galt Morgan

2006: Maria Trevino

2005: Dan Lawlor

2004: Charles Ham

2003: Robin Hough

2002: Gaye Hammond

2001: Donald Burger

2000: Jim Boden

2000: Theresa Andersen

1999: No Award

1998: Mary Rains

1997: No Award

1996: Rick Kohler

1996: Robin Kohler

1995: Jerri Moseley

1995: Dan Moseley

1994: Eunice Alleman

1994: Tom Alleman

1993: Joyce Westerman

1993: Darrell Westerman

1992: Cal Dempsey

1991: Paul Whelchel

1991: Connie Whelchel

1990: Denise Cope

1989: Bud Pollard

1989: Marcia Pollard

1988: Deanna Krause

1988: Earl Krause

1987: Barry Schlueter

1987: Susan Schlueter

1986: Jackie Fischer

1986: Mary Fulgham

1985: Robert Flint

1984: Rob Mock

1984: Deb Mock

1983: Vince Walker

1983: Mary Walker

1982: Patsy Williams

1982: Baxter Williams

1981: Sid Shackelford

1981: Phyllis Shackelford

1980: Margaret Sharp

1979: William Oscar Standlee

1979: Lola Fawn Standlee

1978: Howard Walters

1978: Millie Walters

1977: Ethel Orr

1976: John Martin Stroud

1976: P. Hicks Daniels

1975: Walter E. Forry

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