Oct. 19, 2002


Hwy 249 at FM 1960 W




Show Chairman................................................. Dan Moseley

Staging............................................................ Dan Moseley

Classification.................................................... Denise Cope

Placement (Horticulture)....................................... Vicki Carbo

Photography...................................................... Susan Smith

Judges............................................................. Robin Hough

Judges/Exhibitors Coffee................................... Jerri Moseley

Clerks...................................................... Dan & Patti Lawlor

Trophies...................................................... Gaye Hammond

Tally............................................................. Patsy Williams

Calligraphy................................................... Penny Wellman

Membership Information Center............................. Mary Rains

Educational Information......................................... Volunteers

Rose Sales.......................................................... Volunteers

Plant Sales........................................................... Volunteers

Mini Arrangement Sales....................................... Susie Silcox

Treasurer.......................................................... Charles Ham

Publicity...................................................... Gaye Hammond

Show Schedule............................................... Patsy Williams

Fragrance Table.................................................... Volunteers




Entries will be accepted from 7:00 am to 9:00 am, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2002. Preparation area opens at 6:00 am. NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE 9:00 am DEADLINE. Judging will begin promptly at 9:30 am. The show will open to the public after judging is completed and until approximately 5:00 pm.

1. The show will be governed by the standard rules and regulations of the American Rose Society.

2. The show is open to all amateur rose growers who are paid current members of the American Rose Society or any Affiliated or Associated Rose Society.

3. All exhibitors MUST register (using forms supplied) with the Show Committee at the Classification table when making initial entry.

4. Only one exhibitor or team per garden may enter. All entries must have been grown outdoors by the exhibitor.

5. Only one entry per exhibitor, of each named variety allowed in each specimen class and one entry, per exhibitor, in each Challenge Class (Exception: Class 21 & 22 - Hybridizer)

6. Two specimens of the same variety in the same specimen class, or two entries per class in any Challenge Class, entered by the same exhibitor automatically disqualifies both entries (See rule 5 for exception).

7. Standard American Rose Society entry tags and uniform containers (except where noted) will be furnished by Show Committee. English boxes, brandy snifters and special containers for specified classes calling for collections will be furnished on a first come basis.

8. Both top and bottom portions of entry tags must be completed. Responsibility for proper identification and classification lies totally with the exhibitor.

9. Exhibitor must mark, fold and secure tag for each entry. Failure to submit a properly marked, folded and secured tag may disqualify exhibit.

10. Foliage shall be exhibited as naturally grown. Cleaning of foliage is encouraged, but no oil, dressing or artificial treatment is allowed.

11. Clear plastic wrap, aluminum foil or green styrofoam wedges is permitted in base of vase necks to support specimen stems. NO other material is to be used for this purpose.

12. During placement, only the Placement Committee will be permitted in the show area with the following exceptions:

Ÿ   Exhibitors entering Challenge Classes (Div. I, Section E) should place their own entries since, according to the judging standards, the overall appearance of the exhibit is judged, as well as the horticultural merit. The exhibitor may be assisted by a member of the Placement Committee and must leave the show floor as soon as his exhibit is placed to his satisfaction. No one will remain after 9:00 am except the Show Committee.

13. Only judges, clerks and the Show Chairman will be allowed in the immediate show area during judging.

14. First, second, third and fourth place designation will be awarded in each class where warranted, but judges may withhold any of these at their discretion. Trophies and awards will be given to first place winners only. Decision of the judges is final.

15. Disqualifications by judges will occur when any entry is as follows:

(a)  Misnamed, misclassified, mislabeled or unlabeled.

(b)  Stem-on-stem (exception: Old Garden Roses may be shown stem-on-stem; one bloom per stem Hybrid Perpetuals, Teas and Noisettes are not included in this exception).

(c)  Presence of foreign substance applied to foliage, stem or bloom to enhance appearance of specimen.

(d)  Side bud(s) on a specimen that must be disbudded.

(e)  A specimen in violation of the ARS rules or local society rules applying to this show.

(f)  Improperly named roses: Any rose that has been entered with a name that has not been recognized by the American Rose Society. Names may be verified in the following official sources: latest editions of Modern Roses, International Rose Registrations Supplements, the ARS Annual, “New Roses of the World” section, Handbook for Selecting Roses (exhibition names in BOLD type), The Combined Rose List, or included in the “New Rose Registrations” in the American Rose  magazine.

(g)  The appearance of the exhibitor's name in any location other than the designated place on the entry tag.

16. Any questions concerning the show schedule will be clarified and decided by the Show Chairman, and all decisions are final.

17. Judges Challenge Classes (Class 34 & 43) are open ONLY to rose judges who are judging in this show.

18. Judges for this show may submit entries in Division III (Photography), provided they are not judging this Division.


                          Form                                    25

                          Color                                     20

                          Substance                            15

                          Stem & Foliage                    20

                          Size                                     10

                          Balance & Proportion         _10

                                             Total               100

20. All perpetual trophies are property of the Houston Rose Society. Winners of revolving trophies must sign a register assuring safe and careful custody, and agreeing to return revolving trophies to Show Chairman prior to the next show.

21. No exhibit, ribbon or award may be removed until after 4:00 pm, Saturday, Oct.. 19th (Exception: the show committee reserves the right to remove from the show area any entry that becomes wilted or unattractive).

22. Trophies and awards must be picked up at the close of the show on Saturday, Oct. 19th between 4:00 and 5:00 pm. Award recipients MUST make prior arrangements with the Trophy committee if other arrangements are necessary.

23. Due to the value and fragile nature of the P. Hicks Daniel Trophy, it may not leave the Greater Houston Area if won by an out-of-town exhibitor.

24. Your participation as an exhibitor is welcomed. All care will be given to safeguard exhibits, but neither the ARS, the Houston Rose Society or the Mall will be responsible for the loss of or damage to entries or property, nor for injuries to persons not resulting from the direct act of their respective agents. Liability of any nature is hereby disclaimed. All Roses entered in this show will become the property of the Houston Rose Society.





Roses will be placed on exhibit table in alphabetical order in each general class. General classes will be expanded to create a subclass for each variety entered. Since each separate variety will constitute a subclass, a rose or roses entered in each separate subclass will be judged against the merits of that variety.


For example: The following roses beginning with the letter A are entered in Class 1 (hybrid teas and grandifloras): Alabama, Alleluia, Allspice, Aquarius, Arizona, Avon, Azure Sea, etc. EACH variety will be judged on its own merits and will be awarded accordingly. Even though ONLY ONE rose of the variety Alabama, for example, might be entered, it will be judged on its own merit and could receive a first place award.




The same alphabetical order and creation of a separate sub-class for each variety will be followed for all general classes calling for specimen roses.


In addition to the awards listed for each class, the following will be awarded for Division I, Horticulture.


   Best of Show - Horticulture

Awarded to the best entry in Division I, determined by consensus of the judging team.

     Perpetual Trophy: P. Hicks Daniel Trophy

     Keeper Trophy: Royal National Coin

     Certificate: Royal National Certificate


    Royal Court

The Queen, King, Princess and Court will be selected through balloting by all members of the Judging Team. The Standard Royal Court represents, by consensus of the judging team, the best standard one bloom-per-stem, naturally grown or disbudded specimen, to include Hybrid Teas, Grandifloras (Single Hybrid Teas, 5-12 petals, one bloom to a stem could be best specimen in show, but not Queen of Show), Climbing Hybrid Teas and Climbing Sports of these types, first place awards in Class 1, 6 (one-bloom-per-stem) and Class 17 shall be considered. The Miniature Royal Court represents the best entries in Class 13 or Class 19 (Novice Miniature).

      Perpetual Trophy: Queen, King and Princess

      Keeper Trophy: Queen King, Princess and Court of Honor

      Certificate: ARS Gold, Silver and Bronze

   Sweepstakes Keeper Trophies

Awarded to the individual exhibitors with the most first place awards in either Standard or Miniature Horticultural Classes in Division I.

·        Standard Sweepstakes Keeper Trophy

      ARS Standard Sweepstakes Certificate

·        Miniature Sweepstakes Keeper Trophy

      ARS Mini Sweepstakes Certificate.




Class 1                                      Keeper Trophies

HYBRID TEAS or GRANDIFLORAS and their climbing counterparts, one bloom per stem, no side buds.

      Certificates: ARS Gold, Silver and Bronze Medal Certificates

      Perpetual Trophies: Queen, King, Princess


Class 2                                      Keeper Trophy


      Certificate: ARS Best Hybrid Tea Open Bloom




Class 3                                      Keeper Trophy

SINGLE SPECIMEN ROSES, 5 to 12 petals, one bloom per stem, no side buds, any cultivar (excluding miniatures).


Class 4                                      Keeper Trophy

HYBRID TEAS and their climbing counterparts, multiple blooms (3 or more) per stem.

      Certificate: ARS Best Hybrid Tea Spray


Class 5                                      Keeper Trophy

GRANDIFLORAS and their climbing counterparts, multiple blooms (3 or more) per stem.

      Certificate: ARS Best Grandiflora Spray


Class 6                                      Keeper Trophy

CLIMBING varieties, not sports of bush varieties, naturally grown.

      Certificate: ARS Best Climber


Class 7                                      Keeper Trophy

FLORIBUNDAS, one bloom per stem, no side buds.

      Certificate: ARS Best One-Bloom-Per Stem Floribunda


Class 8                                      Keeper Trophy

FLORIBUNDAS, multiple blooms (3 or more) per stem.

      Certificate: ARS Best Floribunda Spray


Class 9                                                         

POLYANTHAS, multiple blooms (3 or more) per stem.     Certificate: ARS Best Polyantha Spray


Class 10                                                       

SHRUB ROSES  to include: Hybrid Musks, Rugosas, Hybrid Rugosas, any other shrub rose, naturally grown.        Certificate: ARS Best Shrub Rose


Class 11                                     Keeper Trophy

OLD GARDEN ROSES, to include: Albas, Centifolias, Bourbons, Damasks, Autumn Damasks, Portlands, Gallicas, Hybrid Perpetuals, Mosses, Noisettes, Teas, Species, and any other old garden rose introduced PRIOR TO 1867. These may be exhibited naturally grown, or disbudded, but only one stem of bloom or blooms. All entries should be named, registered and properly exhibited for the variety. Date of introduction MUST be shown on upper right corner of entry tag.                                 Certificate: ARS Dowager Queen Certificate


Class 12                                     Keeper Trophy

OLD GARDEN ROSES to include, Albas, Centifolias, Bourbons, Damasks, Autumn Damasks, Portlands, Gallicas, Hybrid Perpetuals, Mosses, Noisettes, Teas, Species and any other Old Garden Roses introduced AFTER 1866, or those with UNKNOWN DATE OF INTRODUCTION. These may be exhibited naturally grown, or disbudded, but only one stem of bloom or blooms. All entries should be named, registered and properly exhibited for the variety. Date of introduction, if known, MUST be shown on upper right corner of entry tag.        Certificate: ARS Victorian Rose Certificate




Class 13                                  Keeper Trophies

MINIATURE ROSES, bush and climbing types, one bloom per stem, no side buds.

      Certificates: ARS Miniature Gold, Silver and Bronze Medal

      Perpetual Trophies: Queen, King, Princess




Class 14                                     Keeper Trophy

MINIATURE ROSE SPRAYS, bush and climbing types, multiple blooms (3 or more) per stem, no side buds.

      Certificate: ARS Best Miniature Spray


Class 15                                     Keeper Trophy

FULLY OPEN MINIATURE roses, one bloom per stem, no side buds. STAMENS MUST SHOW.

      Certificate: ARS Best Open Miniature


Class 16                                     Keeper Trophy

SINGLE MINIATURE roses, 5 to 12 petals, one bloom per stem, no side buds.

      Certificate: ARS Best Single Miniature




Open only to rose exhibitors who have never been awarded a first place in the horticulture division of an accredited rose show (the monthly Grand Prix is not an accredited show). Exhibitors may enter Novice and regular competitive classes, but may not enter the same variety in both classes.


First Place winners in Class 17 and 19 are eligible to compete for ARS Gold, Silver and Bronze Medal Certificates and for Queen, King, Princess and Court of Honor Trophies.

The best specimen Blue Ribbon winner in Classes 17, 18 and 19 will be eligible to win the:



Class 17                       Eligible for Keeper Trophy

HYBRID TEAS or GRANDIFLORAS, one bloom per stem, no side buds.


Class 18                       Eligible for Keeper Trophy

FLORIBUNDAS or POLYANTHAS, multiple blooms (3 or more) per stem, or one bloom per stem.


Class 19                       Eligible for Keeper Trophy

MINIATURE ROSES, bush and climbing types, one bloom per stem, no side buds.


Class 20                                     Keeper Trophy

YOUTH AWARD,  an entry, any type of roses (standard or mini), grown and exhibited by a person under 18 years of age.

      Certificate: HRS Best Youth Exhibitor




Hybridizers may enter as many seedlings as desired. The best specimen winner in Class 21 and 22 will be eligible to win the Randy Keen Seedling Trophy.

      Eligible for Perpetual Trophy: Randy Keen Seedling Trophy

      Eligible for ARS Best Seedling Certificate


Class 21

HYBRIDIZER CHALLENGE - One bloom per stem of any type of rose, no side buds, of an unregistered seedling or sport, hybridized by the exhibitor. Parentage, traced to registered varieties, must be identified. Use an appropriate entry tag.



Class 22

HYBRIDIZER CHALLENGE - SPRAY - One spray of any type of rose, of an unregistered seedling or sport, hybridized by the exhibitor. Parentage, traced to registered varieties, must be identified. Use an appropriate entry tag.





Class 23                                     Keeper Trophy

J. M. STROUD COLLECTION - Five (5) Hybrid Teas or


Grandifloras, one bloom per stem, no side buds, each a different variety, correctly identified, displayed in separate containers.

      Perpetual Trophy: J. M. STROUD TROPHY


Class 24                                     Keeper Trophy

TRIANGLE OF ROSES: Three (3) specimens, each cultivar to be correctly identified and displayed in separate containers.

     One Hybrid Tea at exhibition stage, no side buds.

     One Hybrid Tea fully open (stamens must show), no side buds.

     One Floribunda spray (3 or more blooms per stem).


Class 25                                     Keeper Trophy

STAGES OF BLOOM: Three (3) Hybrid Teas or Grandifloras or Floribundas, ALL three specimens must be the same variety, showing the three stages of development. Correctly named and displayed in separate containers.

     One, a bud

     One, approximately 1/2 open or in its most perfect phase of possible beauty

     One, fully open bloom (stamens must show)


Class 26                                     Keeper Trophy

THREE (3) FLORIBUNDA ROSES, each a different variety, properly identified, shown in separate containers. Naturally grown spray, or one bloom per stem.


Class 27                                     Keeper Trophy

MATCHED PAIR -Two (2) Hybrid Teas, Grandifloras or Floribundas, same variety, one bloom per stem, no side buds, displayed in separate containers.


Class 28

YELLOW ROSE OF TEXAS - One (1) rose: either Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora, Floribunda, Old Garden Rose, or any other standard rose, which best represents the YELLOW ROSE OF TEXAS, one bloom per stem, no side buds; or one naturally grown spray.

      Perpetual Trophy: Vince & Mary Walker Stained Glass Rose


Class 29                                     Keeper Trophy

ENGLISH BOX; Six (6) Hybrid Teas or Grandifloras, 1/2 to 3/4 open, shown in a box furnished by the Show Committee. Not more than two (2) specimens of the same variety, each variety correctly identified. No foliage to show.

      Certificate: ARS Best English Box


Class 30                                     Keeper Trophy

ROSE IN A BOWL - One rose, any standard variety, properly identified, displayed in brandy snifter furnished by the Show Committee. No foliage to show. Stage of opening to be determined by the exhibitor.

      Certificate: ARS Best Bowl




Scale of points (Class 31, 32, 33)  40, Overall Beauty; 30, Balance & Proportion; 30, Condition = 100 Total


Class 31                                     Keeper Trophy

HYBRID TEA ROSE COLLECTION - An entry of seven (7) or more Hybrid Teas, same variety or combination of varieties, one bloom per stem, no side buds, each variety correctly identified, exhibited in a container furnished by the exhibitor.


Class 32                                     Keeper Trophy

OLD GARDEN ROSE COLLECTION - An entry of five (5) or more stems of Old Garden Roses with blooms, buds and/or hips, using not less than three varieties, with blooms predominating. All roses must be correctly identified. Container to be furnished by the exhibitor.







Class 33                                     Keeper Trophy

FRAGRANT ROSES: Open to Hybrid Teas, Grandifloras, Floribundas and Old Garden Roses, shown in exhibition stage or fully open. This class will be judged by the public from the end of ARS Judging until 3:00 pm, primarily for fragrance, but overall appearance must be show quality.


Class 34                                                       

JUDGES’ CHALLENGE - STANDARD - Three (3) Hybrid Teas, Grandifloras, or Floribundas, one bloom per stem, no side buds, each a different variety, correctly identified and displayed in separate containers. Open only to Accredited and Apprentice Judges judging this show.

      Certificate: ARS Visiting Judges Award


Class 35                                     Keeper Trophy

MINIATURE ENGLISH BOX - Six (6) Miniature roses, 1/2 to 3/4 open, to be shown in a box furnished by the Show Committee. No more than two (2) of the same variety, each variety correctly identified. No foliage to show.

      Certificate: ARS Best Miniature English Box


Class 36                                     Keeper Trophy

MINIATURE ARTIST'S PALETTE: Six (6) Miniature roses, each a different variety, correctly identified, to be displayed without stem and foliage in special container furnished by the Show Committee. Stage of opening to be determined by the exhibitor. (Points normally awarded for stem and foliage will be awarded for the overall appearance of the exhibit and color coordination.)


Class 37                                     Keeper Trophy

MINIATURE ROSE IN A BOWL - One (1) Miniature rose, correctly identified, displayed in a brandy snifter furnished by the Show Committee. No foliage to show. Stage of opening to be determined by the exhibitor.

      Certificate: ARS Best Miniature Rose Bowl


Class 38                                     Keeper Trophy

COLLECTION OF TWELVE - Twelve (12) Miniature roses, any variety or combination of varieties, one bloom per stem, no side buds, shown in a special container furnished by the Show Committee.


Class 39                                     Keeper Trophy

MINIATURE MATCHED PAIR - Two (2) Miniature roses, same variety, one bloom per stem, displayed in separate containers. Stage of opening to be determined by the exhibitor.


Class 40                                     Keeper Trophy

COLLECTION OF SIX - Six (6) Miniature roses, different varieties, one bloom per stem, no side buds, properly identified, shown in separate containers.


Class 41                                     Keeper Trophy

STAGES OF BLOOM - MINIATURE - Three (3) Miniature roses of one variety, one bloom per stem, no side buds, in different stages of opening, shown in separate containers. Stages to be 1/4 to 1/3 open, 2/3 open, and fully open. STAMENS MUST SHOW.


Class 42                                     Keeper Trophy

TRIANGLE OF MINIATURES - Three (3) Miniatures, one or more varieties, one, at exhibition stage, no side buds; one, a spray with at least three blooms; one, fully open without side buds; displayed in separate containers, correctly identified.


Class 43                                                       

JUDGES’ CHALLENGE - MINIATURE - Three (3) Miniatures, each a different variety, one bloom per stem, no side buds, correctly identified, shown in separate containers. Open only to Accredited & Apprentice Judges judging this show.

      Certificate: ARS Visiting Judges Award







1.  This division is open to AMATEUR Photographers only (no limit on number of entries per exhibitor).

2.  Prints having won awards in any other photographic print competition are ineligible.

3.  Entries are by PRE-REGISTRATION. Make reservations by Thursday, Oct. 17, 2002 with Susan Smith. 713-236-7602.

4.  Color photographs are to be exhibited without mats or frames and should be 4 x 6 (four by six inches) or 5 x 7 (five by seven inches) in size. They will be displayed in holders supplied by the Houston Rose Society. The Exhibitor's name and address should be on the back of each photograph. Placement will be made by Susan Smith.

5.  An American Rose Society entry tag should be completed in the same manner as for any other exhibit. For public interest, name the variety of roses, if known.

6.  The judging will be by both an American Rose Society Judge and a Photographer.

7.  Each entry will be judged on the merits of that photograph's subject, composition and photographic excellence. Each class may have several blue ribbon winners, with a best of each class selected from the blue ribbon winners.

8.  All care will be given to safeguard photographs, but neither the ARS, the Houston Rose Society or the Mall will be responsible for the loss of or damage to photographs.

9.  Photographs, ribbons and awards may be picked up ONLY  at the close of the show from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2002.



    Perfection of bloom(s)                   30

    Photographic excellence                30

    Color fidelity                               10

    Composition                               30

                   Total                        100

      Best Photography Entry in Division III-Keeper Trophy Eligible for HRS Photography Certificate



Class 44   ONE BLOOM, exhibition stage, any type. Limited to one photograph per variety per Exhibitor.


Class 45   ONE FULLY OPEN ROSE, any type (Stamens visible). Limited to one photograph per variety per Exhibitor.


Class 46   ONE SPRAY, any type (three or more blooms). Limited to one photograph per variety per Exhibitor.