2008 Consulting Rosarian School
The Houston Rose Society and the South Central District are putting on a Consulting Rosarian School on Saturday, October 4, 2008 at the South Main Baptist Church of Pasadena. For complete information, click on the topics on the left. The School is set up for three groups of people. First, if you are already a Consulting Rosarian, attending the CR School will satisfy your continuing educational requirements. Second, if you meet the qualifications and you want to become a Consulting Rosarian, you can attend the school and take the open book test. The buttons on the lower left (Qualifications, Application, Instructions, Letters of Recommendation and Test Disclaimer) will provide more detailed information. The CR Application, three Letters of Recommendation, and a check for $15 made payable to the American Rose Society should be mailed to Ed Bradley at: 8811 Phoenix Avenue, Universal City, TX 78148, not later than September 10th. Please adhere to the schedule and deadlines for processing the necessary forms. The third group of people who may wish to attend are rosarians who are interested in advanced talks on rose care.