Candidate Name:            _________________________________


I, _______________________, have known the Candidate above since _____________.


Relationship:            ____            Fellow Member of the ______________________Rose Society


                        ____            Family Member                      ____            Neighbor                  ____            Friend


                        ____            Employee                              ____            Employer


____   I have read, and agree with, the information reflected on the attached Consulting Rosarian Application Form.


The Applicant has shown that he/she understands, and is in agreement with, the Guidelines found in the Consulting Rosarian Manual, as demonstrated to me in the following ways:


            ____            Actively works to increase membership in the ARS and the Local Society


____   Assists and advises others about rose horticulture by sharing his/her personal experiences and knowledge


____   Has shown a high degree of ethics in all that he/she does



____   I, therefore, do - do not (circle one) hereby endorse the addition of this Candidate as an American Rose Society Consulting Rosarian.


Signed: ___________________________________________            __________________

                Signature of Active Consulting Rosarian                                                                                  Date


Address:                  _______________________________________________


City, State ZIP:            _______________________________________________


Phone:                        _____-____-_______


Place this signed form in the envelope provided, seal the tab, sign your name along and across the sealed area, and place transparent tape over it. Then, please return to the Candidate immediately.




Form NCRLR, Rev. 0, 27AUG01