You have applied to the American Rose Society to become a Consulting Rosarian. A copy of the Requirements for becoming such are included with this letter. Please be sure that you read them carefully to assure that you qualify, and so that your Application can proceed without delay.


In addition to having the ARS membership requirements and experience requirements, you must do the following:

1.      Obtain and read the ARS Consulting Rosarian Manual, and agree to abide by its precepts.

2.      Fill out the enclosed Application Form (Form NCRA, Rev.0, 27AUG01), and return it to your ARS District CR Chair.

3.      Send an ARS Form NCRLR, Rev. 0, 27AUG01, and a copy of your completed Application Form, to three active ARS Consulting Rosarians, asking that they recommend your appointment as a CR.

4.      Attend an official CR School, and pass an open-book exam at its conclusion.


Timing is sometimes critical to this process, so please follow this schedule:

·        Fill out the Application Form immediately (you should have started this process at least 90 days prior to a scheduled ARS CR School)

·        Send a copy of the completed Application Form and a Letter of Recommendation Form to three CRs within 10 days

·        Return the original of the completed Application Form to the District CR Chair within 10 days of its receipt

·        Attend an official ARS CR School, and pass the exam, within 6 months