(Please Print)
Name: ___________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________
City, State & ZIP+4 ___________________________-_______________
Phone: _____-_____-__________ FAX: _____-_____-__________
E-mail Address: ___________________________________________
I currently rose bushes of the following types (show quantity of each):
HT ____ GR ____ FL ____ Mini ____ CL ____ Shrub ____ OGR ____ Total ____
I have been an American Rose Society Member since ______________. I have served on the following District Committees (indicate if served as Chair): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I am an active member of the _______________________ RS in _____________________,
Name City, State
having been a member since: __________. I have held office in the following local rose society capacity(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I have given the following programs: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I have written the following articles (give publications): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I have attended ____ District Conventions and ____ ARS National Conventions.
I hereby affirm that the above information is correct, and that I have read and understand the responsibilities of a Consulting Rosarian as printed in the ARS Consulting Rosarian Manual.
Signed: _____________________________________________ Date ________________
Send this form to your
District Consulting Rosarian Chair; and send a copy of this Form plus a copy of
Form NCRLR to at least 3 active CRs for their recommendation, all at least 45
days prior to a CR School.