The Rose-Ette
(The Monthly Newsletter of the Houston Rose Society)

by Mary Fulgham and Elisabeth Eickhoff, Co-Editors

The Rose-Ette is the award-winning newsletter of the Houston Rose Society. It is published monthly and usually contains around 14 pages. These pages are packed with information about growing roses in Houston. The articles are usually by Houston Rosarians. The newsletter is geared for giving our members needed information for growing roses in the heat and humidity of Houston.

Some of the very favorite features include a monthly column titled "What Good Rosarians Are Doing in [the Current Month]." This column tells you what insects to be on the lookout for that month, how the previous month's weather affects what you should be doing now and various tips geared for each specific month. There is also a monthly article by a Consulting Rosarian, a calendar of events, a summary of the subject for the next meeting's talk, a list of Consulting Rosiarians (with phone numbers and the areas of town they cover) and much, much more.

At the $20.00 membership level you get a paper copy of the Rose Ette twelve times a year. E-memberships feature an electronic version of the newsletter and are just $15.00 per year. Included in both is entry to the "Members Only" section of the website, where the current and several years of past issues are located. Better rose bargains are hard to find.

The Rose-Ette is available on line, to Members Only.
To Enter the HRS "Members Only Section" click here.

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